Tree of Life Badge – 2021


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Our first foray into #badgelife.  Based on the Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller, the Tree of Life badge is a stunning visual representation of Kabbalah. If you study Kabbalah, you could use this as a beautiful display piece for inspiration, or you could dig into the guts of it and write your own firmware in C or MicroPython.

The ToL badge is backlit by 32 WS-2812B-2020 LEDs shining brilliantly through black solder mask. The ToL badge also includes an NRF24L01+ wireless transceiver and an SSD1306 OLED display, as well as an SAO attachment header.

The software included with the ToL badge includes a number of games and challenges, including ham radio exam study questions, morse code, interactive challenges, and more. There is also a vagus breathing exercise included. You should try it sometime. Trust me.

Additional information

Weight 8 oz


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