Dangerous Things RFID Diagnostic Card

Maybe you’re a little bit of RFID-curious, or are gathering preliminary information. Maybe you’re like me, and this device just scratches the related itches of seeing hidden information and learning how things work.

I have a Proxmark3 RDV4. I have a lot of fun with it, as previous posts indicate. But I’m considering building something that incorporates an RFID reader, and I feel like this device would come in super handy in determining basic functionality, before coding the card reader functionality. Just to see if the device is TRYING to read RFID.

It fits really nicely in the top wallet pocket, making it really easy to use within the wallet, illuminating the left or right LEDs green or red depending on whether it’s reading LF (125KHz) or HF (13.56MHz). One thing I learned is that my company’s readers read both LF and HF, despite the fact that we have traditional LF HID Prox cards. I’m filling in the gaps here myself, but my guess is that when we expanded space, we got new readers, and rather than just continue to install LF readers, we installed the newer readers so that we can eventually migrate to HF cards, which are ostensibly harder to clone.

$20 on the dangerousthings website, but I got mine for $10 on ebay. Totally worth it, and not as painful as an LED RFID implant, which they also sell.

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