Eleven days until the September meeting…

I’m ready, are you? If you’re joining us in the group Hackerbox build, have you ordered one?

Still haven’t heard from anyone wanting to present, teach or learn something, so it’s likely to be the same chaotic meeting as usual, with the added lubrication of festive beverages.

The space is just about ready, and my back hurts from all the rearranging. No photos, I don’t want to spoil the surprise.

The PCBs for the MultiPass badges should be here early next week. Some will be available for purchase if you’re interested.


  • This meeting is in my house. My house, my rules. Rule #1 is don’t be a dick. Respect the other attendees, respect the space, respect the equipment. I’d like everyone to feel safe, comfortable and welcomed. Make this great and the space will stay available. Make it suck, and we’ll be back at the library.
  • Festive beverages are a thing here, but don’t be stupid about it, especially if you are driving. I’m not planning to serve food, but we could certainly go in on some delivery if folks get hungry. I will have some festive bevs on hand, but please feel free to BYOB.
  • Please RSVP on the meetup page so that attendance can be planned/capped.
  • Activities available: soldering station, including SMD tools; lock picking station; CTF server; fix my Mr. Robot badge;
  • While there’s no “official time” for the meeting (there’s no “official meeting” and no “official business” to be conducted), the space will be open from 6pm until dispersal or midnight, whichever happens first. Signage will direct you where to go. Everything you need to know is on the Meetup page.