Gift Card Security

Do you use gift cards?  Some people use them to anonymize their purchases, others because financial situations have forced them to.  Take a moment to think about securing them.

Stopped at Wawa on the way home last night, spotted a Vanilla gift card on top of the recycling bin.  Why the owner didn’t put it completely in the trash I don’t know, but because I’m dabbler in magstripe and RFID card security, I always pick up stray cards. 

So I took it home, and was able to log into its account, which had not been secured.  It painted a sad picture.

10/8 2:05PM – bought gift card $100
10/8 9:50PM – “Any Lab Test Now” $40 (going rate for a 5-panel drug test)
10/9 2:05AM – Target, $42.90
10/9 10:48AM – Chick-Fil-A $8.43
10/10 6:11PM – Wawa $8.27

So this person bought (or received) a gift card, paid for his or her drug test, bought something at Target, ate at Chick-Fil-A, then spent his or her last $8.27 on gas, zeroing the card out in two days, and then leaving it in plain sight.