Someone mentioned this on Reddit, seems to be a great local privilege escalation resource for both Windows and Linux, including a .bat file which creates vulnerabilities on your (NON-INTERNET-FACING) Windows VM.
The September meetup is a week away. I know this is a long shot, but if anyone has working configs for ANYTHING involving a BladeRF X40 and 3G/4G, please bring it.
If you’d like to help defray some of the expenses involved in running this group, please feel free to contribute to the GoFundMe for the CTF server, or contact [email protected] if you’d like to donate in some other way. I’d like to keep the meetings free and open for as long as possible, because so far, I like the people that attracts to the group.
I’m ready, are you? If you’re joining us in the group Hackerbox build, have you ordered one?
Still haven’t heard from anyone wanting to present, teach or learn something, so it’s likely to be the same chaotic meeting as usual, with the added lubrication of festive beverages.
The space is just about ready, and my back hurts from all the rearranging. No photos, I don’t want to spoil the surprise.
The PCBs for the MultiPass badges should be here early next week. Some will be available for purchase if you’re interested.
This meeting is in my house. My house, my rules. Rule #1 is don’t be a dick. Respect the other attendees, respect the space, respect the equipment. I’d like everyone to feel safe, comfortable and welcomed. Make this great and the space will stay available. Make it suck, and we’ll be back at the library.
Festive beverages are a thing here, but don’t be stupid about it, especially if you are driving. I’m not planning to serve food, but we could certainly go in on some delivery if folks get hungry. I will have some festive bevs on hand, but please feel free to BYOB.
Please RSVP on the meetup page so that attendance can be planned/capped.
Activities available: soldering station, including SMD tools; lock picking station; CTF server; fix my Mr. Robot badge;
While there’s no “official time” for the meeting (there’s no “official meeting” and no “official business” to be conducted), the space will be open from 6pm until dispersal or midnight, whichever happens first. Signage will direct you where to go. Everything you need to know is on the Meetup page.
I emailed Waveshare indicating my problem getting anything to display on the 2.13in epaper. They were VERY quick to get back to me, and suggested I try running the tests for another size, the 1.54in model, just to see what it did.
Turns out, that worked. So I started looking closer…
I had been using epd_2.3_test and the epd_2.3_V2 test, neither of which worked. After seeing it function properly on a couple of the 1in54 tests, I went through them all systematically. Turns out both epd_2in13bc_test and epd_2in13d_test work.
So I generated some red and black bitmaps, and using the example code as a template, pulled them in and displayed them.
What I love about epaper is that it doesn’t require power to display, only to change the display.
Now I’m looking at a 1500mah RPiZeroW-sized LiPo. I have other battery banks, but I like the idea of a low profile unit that can fit in a small pocket and maybe even be enclosed with the assembly. I was looking at this one…
So I spent more time than I care to admit this weekend trying to prep a Pwnagotchi platform (RPiZW and e-paper). The code (by @evilsocket) hasn’t been released yet, but I want to be ready. My mistake was only ordering one e-paper HAT from Waveshare. I should have taken failure rates into account. At least I’m 75% certain it’s a DOA unit. I tried numerous approaches based on numerous experiences by randos on the internet, and I couldn’t get that damned thing to display SQUAT. If it fed me back any data, it was just “e-paper busy.” Not helpful, Waveshare. Not helpful.
On the plus side, I was watching a video comparing different levels of USB microscopes for soldering (GreatScott!), and noticed that it was sponsored by JLCPCB, and they were offering a too-good-to-be-true deal on new PCB orders. So I went ahead and placed an order for ten MultiPass boards. Some of those will be up for grabs when they arrive. WAY cheaper than expected. I remain cautiously optimistic.
So a few of us came to a consensus of wanting to work on Hackerbox #0046 “Persistence” for the upcoming September meeting. If you want in, bring one, and bring soldering gear. I have specialty stuff, like an electric solder removal tool and a hot air tool, but bring your basics — iron, solder, etc.
I am REALLY tempted to order boards and parts to assemble the DC27 Multipass badge, since the Gerber/Eagle files have been released along with the software. It will be a bit of a challenge for some — but we’re all about challenges, right? There are like 70 0603-sized SMD parts on it. I have more than half the parts in my lab already, but some parts I’ll need to order. If there’s enough interest, I can order stuff for the October meeting. Cost of the bare boards is about $36 each from OSHPARK, ordered in sets of three. If there’s enough interest I’ll price out the BOM and you can decide if it’s worth it to you to play.
It has been decided that for the foreseeable future, meetings will be held in my hackerspace basement (hackerspasement?) just a few blocks from the Gum Spring Library.
I (Bob) am looking to grow this group and its members. I am also looking to transition it into more of a cooperative and less of me being the main driver. I love hosting these things, and I’m more than happy to keep doing so, but I thrive on entropy. So for the future, I would love to see:
Someone step up to help out with comms for the group. A social media presence maintainer, so to speak.
Someone (or hopefully more than one) step up to offer to teach us something new. Along those lines, maybe for the September meeting we can collect a list of our collective weak points, and move forward from there in the act of bolstering them. Examples:
I’m reasonably strong on linux exploits, server hardening, network device hardening, and getting there on hardware hacking.
I’m weak on Windows exploits, buffer/stack overflows and reverse engineering. Anything that makes that knowledge more easily transmissible (shortcuts) is a good thing.
Crossover cable came late today, and as suspected, when my laptop is connected through the gigabit switch and directly into the WOPR (as opposed to through the wifi), and I create a blank VM with BRIDGED networking through the ethernet cable, I’m able to deploy a fully-updated Kali instance to the VM (via FOG) in just over two minutes.
Shutdown and startup scripts are reliable. A quick shutdown script via ssh key tells WOPR to first SUSPEND all the VMs, then shut down itself. All the machines startup automatically when I power on the unit. The network is usable within a minute of powering it up.
Packing everything up for tomorrow’s meeting now…
WOPR Jr (check)
Wifi router (check)
Gigabit switch (check)
TPLink Wifi Extender (for attempting to piggyback on Library internet) (check)
Entertainment (check)
Swag (check)
…what am i forgetting?…
See you at the meeting. Or at the pregame. I’m going to hit the hot tub and then hit the sack. It’s been a busy weekend.