May 18 Monday Evening Check-in
ZoomProgress reports, wellness check-ins, and holding each other accountable. Or just drinking. Newbies are always welcome.
Progress reports, wellness check-ins, and holding each other accountable. Or just drinking. Newbies are always welcome.
Still Zooming. We'll talk about the display scrollers, some other nerd stuff, and whatever else anyone else wants to talk about ...
Join us for our weekly check-in. 6:30PM on Zoom. Be Kind. Rewind.
Join Us for our weekly Check-In. Party like it's 1999.
It's ramp-up-for-Defcon time, and for once there's actually an AGENDA for tonight's meeting! No, it's not written anywhere. It's just in my head. But that's still an improvement.
Everyone ready who's planning some sort of involvement? Check-in!
How did Def Con 28 Safe Mode change you? Check in!
Yeah, that's right. Bob has birthdays too. One leg at a time just like everybody else.
So here we are, the second meetup between the insurrection and inauguration. Tonight's meetup will go on as scheduled at 6:30. I will have to duck out around 7:30 for another meeting, but as always, if the words are flowing, you're welcome to stick around.
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