DC540 Defcon Meetup – Stone Ridge, VA – March 2020

Fiddlehead Hackerspace 42062 Fiddlehead Pl, Stone Ridge, VA, United States

Hey folks, the February meetup has been cancelled due to family emergency travel. Sorry about that. Setting up the March meeting now, fourth Monday, March 23, 2020. More info will be added before then.

Monday Night Checkup Meeting


Join in on the Zoom this evening. Check up with everyone, tell some of your crazy social distancing toilet paper stories, whatever comes to mind. 7PM. https://zoom.us/j/819063060?pwd=b0wwUWtpRENkMGFiNUJQQW5pdVVJZz09

Monday Night Check-In


We're doing it again tonight. I'll be talking a class I took. Talk about what you've been up to and what's keeping you busy during the quarantine. https://zoom.us/j/819063060?pwd=b0wwUWtpRENkMGFiNUJQQW5pdVVJZz09

DC540 Monday Night Check-In


Our weekly check-in, just to find out of Emery watched the last season of Mr. Robot yet. I'll have to leave at 7:30 to attend another virtual meeting, but if there's momentum I'll leave it up with someone else hosting.

May the 4th Be With You – Monday Checkin


Tune in if you want, 6:30 again, as we cope with the ongoing pandemic and try to make sense of the weird ways people are responding to this crisis...

May 11 Monday Evening Check-in


Tune in this evening at 1830 if you dare. We'll be discussing a few upcoming events you should know about, and I'll be hawking some LED display kits. Maybe we'll even be kind to each other this evening. Who knows?

May 18 Monday Evening Check-in


Progress reports, wellness check-ins, and holding each other accountable. Or just drinking. Newbies are always welcome.

May 25th Monthly Meetup


Still Zooming. We'll talk about the display scrollers, some other nerd stuff, and whatever else anyone else wants to talk about ...

June 8 Weekly Check-In


Join us for our weekly check-in. 6:30PM on Zoom. Be Kind. Rewind.