More meshtastic fun: Part 4: Range Testing

Of course, you want to know how far your signal is going in every direction. If you’re lucky, you have Kevin to test with who repeatedly types the word The into his app without letting you know if he’s actually seeing your messages. I am assuming that The is his auto-correct changing Test to The.

But if you actually want scientific data, you might want to look into the Range Testing feature (found in Module config). Assuming you’ve got two stable units, one goes mobile with you and one stays at a specific base. You set up both units for Range Test — the sender node and the receiver node. Set your stay-at-home node as the sender and your mobile node as the receiver, then drive around your area. You should be able to save results to a .csv file and the docs describe how to integrate that into mapping applications to visualize your received packets with their locations.

I hope to run a test this weekend. We’d love to hear about your results. Ideally, if you have multiple antennas and/or placement locations, this will give you real-world data, although time-consuming to generate, on how your signal makes it out into the world.

Meshtastic: Device options

As promised, another post to specifically discuss beginner Meshtastic device options. Whatever you order, if you’re in the US make sure you order the 915MHz version.

I started with a RAK Wisblock starter kit and a LilyGo T-Echo.

I ordered both because I was impatient. I knew the LilyGo was what I wanted to start with, but I also knew it would take a while, so I ordered the Wisblock to learn while I waited. And that worked out.

Some lessons from both:

  • They will come with an older firmware. First thing to do is to flash it with the latest stable firmware.
  • Don’t fire it up without the antenna(s) connected. It could fry the unit. Just like in amateur radio.
  • Channel 0 should likely default to LongFast with its default key, I think that’s AQ== but don’t take my word for it.
  • If you want to try DC540’s custom channel, add it as channel 1. Name: DC540. 256-bit pre-shared key: OVRpanBCYjZ2WmVIZTRheVlSZDZZWGxUcElFNFRSaWo=
  • Install the app on your phone, pair with your unit (Pin is probably 123456), and then watch Nodes and Map for things to pop up.
  • Alternately, connect to your computer (use a USB-C cable that supports power AND data) and browse to Click “new device,” connect it to the serial port that’s obviously your device, and manage it that way. It’s a bit wonky and dies sometimes, just refresh the webpage to start over.

Ideally in the next 15-20 minutes you should see some local nodes pop up on your node list and map.

So far, the LilyGo seems more powerful than the Wisblock.

But something I noticed, when you’re looking at your node list, you can see what type of device the other nodes are running. One thing I noticed is that the farthest node I could see was running a Station G2. So that tells me that maybe the Station G2 transmits more powerfully. (Or maybe that user has a better antenna, or an external antenna).

Next, I started mucking around with MQTT. MQTT is the same type of networking, but over an MQTT server on the internet. If you’re frustrated by lack of nodes, you can light this up to see more and communicate with other weirdos around the world. But be aware, you’re cheating, and it’s going to cut into your radio knowledge improvement. Is it worth it? Probably.

When using MQTT through a mobile-paired device, you turn on “proxy through client.” If your device has its own wifi, turn that shit off. As far as I can tell, you can’t use MQTT through a serial-connected device without its own wifi.

That led me to my next purchase, the LilyGo T-Beam Supreme. It has built-in wifi.

The Station G2 also has its own wifi, but I’m not there yet.

More later. This should be enough to help you get started. Any questions? Join our Discord and ask in the Meshtastic learning channel.

Let’s all learn Meshtastic together!

So a recent discussion with one of our members led me to finally jump into Meshtastic. I wonder how many of y’all want to play along…

Meshtastic, in this particular use case, enables a text-based messaging system that uses LoRa radio, which is 915MHz in the US, which measures its general range in miles, but the Meshtastic firmware enables a self-assembling mesh network of these devices. There is also internet backbone capability via MQTT servers.

It FEELS like early BBS days to play on.

I think a lot of us entered the world of infosec from a perspective of wanting to be able to see the data that’s hidden in plain sight. At least I did. Starting in around fourth grade when I read a book on codes and ciphers, much of my tech fetish has been about finding that hidden information that’s just out of reach. And of course, much of that is in the radio spectrum.

I became licensed for amateur radio back in 2010, I think. I took, and passed, all three exams in the same session. I have a number of radios. Three or four HF radios, a mobile dual-band for 2m and 70cm, and probably three or four Baofeng handhelds sitting in a bin somewhere. I have made overseas contacts from my car, my home and elsewhere using a portable kit in a Pelican case. I’ve done voice contacts as well as data modes. I have made a couple of attempts to learn and retain CW. One day that will stick.

While I can’t imagine Meshtastic will ever take off as a widespread communciations platform, I do think it could be useful in a potential off-grid scenario, and is worth exploring and pushing its capabilities. Meshtastic devices are cheap, easy to work with and fun. My next post will talk about some specific devices that I’ve started playing with, and my experiences with them, and I’d love for someone else to jump in and provide other perspectives on their experiences.