DCZIA badge interactions…
So one of the menu options on the DCZIA badge is a BLE scan. I ran it with all my badges lit up, and it recognized TWO DC26 badges. I suspect that one of those is the TransIonospheric badge, because that one reported seeing the DCZIA badge…
Somebody got the DCZIA badge…
Super easy to assemble, seems like we can do a lot of fun things with it too…
Another damned badge
This one is the Phase 4 Ground Trans-Ionospheric Badge, and it’s got a ton of cute visualizations on the screen, games, customizations (name and call sign), and even some actual contact logging/QSO functionality. Another one where the maker decided to undercut the eBay upsellers by doing another run (or maybe there were just leftovers, who knows?). Maybe this trend will keep the badge-scalpers at bay, and keep the prices down to “moderately outrageous” for those of us who can’t seem to say no.
I wish I could tell you which was my favorite of all the badges out there, but I can’t compare function to form in an articulable manner.
Hackerboxes #0033
Better late than never. I think this one was released in time for subscribers to assemble it before Defcon. I slapped this together over the weekend. About the simplest project you can imagine. The switches turn the individual LEDs on, and the LEDs each have either a slow transition or fast transition IC built-in. The resistors are purely for decoration. It’s pretty and blinky, so I can’t complain.
The kit also came with a MicroPython PyBoard to experiment with. Going to have to steal some time to play with it, it really sounds like a lot of fun.
CHV Badge
Received the Car Hacking Village badge today. The fucker has a beautiful display, nice fluid LED transitions, and an OBD-II port. Looking forward to seeing what its capabilities are. I know it has CAN and NFC capabilities from the website at http://www.specsolns.com/defcon…