Filling my life with specialty cornstarch…

Yesterday I decided I was tired of using random nearby objects as a riser for purposes of elevating my airpod case in the wireless charger to where it can reach the level of the charger.

I started looking on Thingiverse for random airpod cases to see if one could be adapted for this purpose. Lo and behold, I found one. This one was offered as a Tesla-branded holder, but I chose the unbranded alternative that was also offered.

It sits nicely in the cradle, and elevates the case to just the right level to receive a charge.

Did you know that PLA is a thermoplastic derived from cornstarch? This was a recent revelation for me. It’s even compostable!

I find myself paying more attention to household annoyances and organizational challenges that can be solved with 3D-printed objects. My eye is frequently with the intent to design something, but every time so far, I have found something on Thingiverse that can be used without having to design from scratch. I am grateful to Thingiverse for providing this platform, and to all of the makers out there that put their designs out there for us to use and remix.