Cornstarch solves more household problems

Ever since adding the two LACK shelves to my music lab, using the computer in there has been annoying. Actually, it was annoying before. The table is too low to use it while standing, so I either had to bend a little bit or sit. And since adding the monitor, sitting is a non-starter, because I’m staring up into the abyss.

I tried placing the keyboard up on the shelf, but the shelf is fairly narrow, and the monitor base got in the way. So off to Thingiverse I go, yet again, in search of Apple keyboard risers. I found this one, which looked promising. Initially I was looking for something I could adapt to have a slight overhang at the front end, so that it would be anchored to the shelf. But this one, bless the designer’s heart, has three insets for 5mm rubber beading. Two on the bottom, to keep it from sliding on a surface, and one on the top, to help keep the keyboard itself stable, although the channel for the rear undercarriage should keep it well in place.

Now the keyboard is right in front of the monitor, perfect for the occasional standing Google search or setting it up to monitor Octoprint. Rubber beading is on the way, but it’s reasonably stable without it!

Source: Thingiverse: