3D-printed lithophane “art”

When I first saw examples of 3D-printed lithophanes, I thought it was a great development of the technology for uses that may not have been originally intended. Lithophanes have a long history, predating all of our high-tech methods.


But some of the articles I read at first said that doing them with PLA via FDM was impractical, and you’d really need SLA for the increased accuracy and complexity available. But then I recently started finding articles that showed examples with quality white PLA, so I tried it. Sure enough, it’s fantastic.

And it’s ridiculously easy to get quality results. Just upload your image to https://3dp.rocks/lithophane/ and it will make an STL for you. Here’s the tutorial I used:


Lithophane as printed , still on print bed.
Same lithophane held up to a light source.