So, if you were following our Meetup page, you’ll notice that WeWork/Meetup announced some upcoming changes that I, as an organizer, was not comfortable with.
They decided that, beginning in November, they would reduce organizer fees. Great. All in favor. But at the same time, they would start charging attendees $2 per RSVP. Yeah. No.
I would be okay with $1 per RSVP, -if- and -only- if, that money were split between Meetup and the organizer somehow. But it’s not, and I feel pretty strongly that they will either reverse this decision, or face the demise of their platform.
It’s easy for me. I’m a small organizer. It’s EASY for me to get off their platform. I don’t have to rely on them. I really feel for some of the organizers of larger events. Especially those who charge for attendance — this new schema, at this time, doesn’t seem to offer the capability to upcharge.
But again, it’s not about the money — for me, anyway. It’s that I resent a sudden inconvenience on my user base that benefits me in almost no way.
So from this point on, please feel free to follow this website and/or Twitter (@dc540baab) for updates. How this is likely to flesh out is that I continue to announce the events on Meetup, but no longer allow RSVPs through that platform, instead driving them here, where I will add a registration form of some sort.